Cold Stores Protection
DEVI systems are used in fridge chambers to protect materials from freezing. In these chambers, the operational temperature is -200C to -300C and despite the insulation of the floor, the soil beneath may get frozen and cause damages due to the erosion. Around the doors, the warm and cold air are in constant contact and it leads to condensation which may get frozen and cause accident.
Advantages of the systems
- Heating cables are installed in the concrete slab just beneath the insulation
- The slab is warmed up to 00C and above and it will keep the soil beneath the slab unfrozen.
- The system is controlled via precise DEVI thermoregulators.
- It is necessary to install two separate systems- main and duplicate equipped with two separate controllers.
- Each cable need to be supplied with its own thermostat.
- The optimum power output for the floor cables is 40 W/m2
- The optimum power output for the floor cables around the door area is 250 W/m2
fridge chambers